Fraud Awareness

Advance-fee scam

An advance-fee scam is a form of fraud and is one of the most common types of confidence tricks. The scam typically involves promising the victim a significant share of a large sum of money, in return for a small up-front payment, which the fraudster claims will be used to obtain the large sum. If a victim makes the payment, the fraudster either invents a series of further fees for the victim to pay or simply disappears

Employment scams

This scam targets people who have posted their résumés on e.g. job sites. The scammer sends a letter with a falsified company logo. The job offer usually indicates exceptional salary and benefits, and requests that the victim needs a “work permit” for working in the country and includes the address of a (fake) “government official” to contact. The “government official” then proceeds to fleece the victim by extracting fees from the unsuspecting user for the work permit and other fees. A variant of the job scam recruits freelancers seeking work, such as editing or translation, then requires some advance payment before assignments are offered.

Lottery scam

The lottery scam involves fake notices of lottery wins, although the intended victim has not entered the lottery. The “winner” is usually asked to send sensitive information such as name, residential address, occupation/position, lottery number etc. to a free email account which is at times untraceable or without any link. In addition to harvesting this information, the scammer then notifies the victim that releasing the funds requires some small fee (insurance, registration, or shipping). Once the victim sends the fee, the scammer invents another fee.

Email phishing

How can you reduce the risk of email phishing?

  • There is no perfect way to stop phishing email attacks. However, you can reduce the risk by installing preventative software and education yourself and your employees.
  • Anti-phishing software may not always be successful in stopping the threat of email phishing. That’s why it’s important to follow certain procedures to avoid the risks.

Update your software

It may seem obvious but the first line of defense against possible attacks is your computers and network.

You should not only update your anti-virus software but also the security patches on your operating system. It does not take much time to update your computer however your can prevent any consequences of mistakes you may make.

Don’t trust links in branded emails

When you receive an email from a well-known brand (such as tech company, bank, shopping mall, government agency) be diligent when they ask you for your personal information such as your password.

Make sure the domain in the email is matching with the actual website domain. By hovering your mouse over the email, you will be able to see the domain name they are using.

Protect your personal information in social media

Don’t share your personal information like job title, position, age on your social media account accept places like Linkedin).

I will be far easier for attackers to look more credible if they know a lot about you.

Identify personal styles

Make yourself familiar with your colleges, family, and friends’ style in their emails in terms of words they use, font colors and size, and the sign off they use. It will help you to identify any impersonators.

Report any suspicious emails

If you come across any email you don’t trust, make sure you report the case to your IT team. They will take the necessary actions to mitigate the risk.

Remember make sure you don’t open the link in the email or click on any attachments in the email to avoid any negative consequences.

Be careful of emails from generic addresses

Be suspicious of emails form generic addresses like help @customerservice @ and itsupport @ especially when they ask for your personal information or for you to click on a link.

If you suspect any email form these generic addresses, try to call them and confirm the email.

Red flags

  • Spelling and grammar mistakes in the email
  • Bad formatting (logo size and quality is bad )
  • Agency to act (normally asking you to fill in your personal information, if you don’t you will lose something) Al Amal express exchange will only request for documents for updating you profile, if you suspect any of our emails, please contact us by phone on 043986030.
  • Offers of financial rewards or penalties. Amal express exchange does not penalize its customers. Any offers will be on our official website, if in doubt please call 043986030.
  • Wrong facts (location, domain name, names) • No unsubscribe links.

Trust your instincts

If it too good to be true, then it probably is.

Report any fraud

If you’re the victim of any fraud report it to Dubai police.

  • Toll-free number 901
  • E-crime online platform